Any parent who is able to afford quality education for their
children will most definitely go for the best. This is while over the the years
there have been fierce competition between the private sector of our academic system
and the public sector. If there is one argument which is almost as old as
education itself is the fact that most people agree that private schools
provide a better quality of education to their children than government owned schools
.The level of education in private schools is expected to be of higher quality
than that offered by public schools and also all round development of the pupil
or student is expected within a reasonable time. These expectations placed on
privately owned schools is not limited to the level of education alone, conducive
learning and living environment is also one of the major reasons why parents
send their children to private schools.
I was personally shocked to see the environment some students
of the Novenna university live in even after paying millions as their tuition
fee. I was so baffled by what I saw, I could not leave the school premises without
writing about it. Below are some photos I took myself…

The state health and sanitary body needs to pay that school a visit and make sure peoples children are safe from infections and other dirt related illnesses, because if the rooms can be in this states, I wonder how their bathrooms and toilets will look like. HELP THE STUDENTS!!!